La Bienvenida serves as a welcome to all students, faculty and staff at UCI by raising Latinx cultural expression and providing opportunities for engagement through affiliated Latinx student-led organizations. Join us for a virtual La Bienvenida! We will have featured speakers, workshops, entertainment, student organization fair and more! Event will take place on Hopin and pre-registration is required on the platform. You will return to the same link to attend the event.
Sandra Campero, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Advancement Operations
Dr. Belinda Campos, Associate Professor & Department Chair, Chicano/Latino Studies
Dr. Marcela Ramirez-Stapleton, Director, Cross-Cultural CenterPerformances
senadanielcano with spoken word by Daniel Cano, Student Outreach & Retention Center
Ballet Folklorico de UCI
Brown Bag Theater
Participating Student Organizations
Ballet Folklorico de UCI
Brown Bag Theater
Hermanas Unidas de UCI (HaU)
Hermanos Unidos
Latino Business Student Association (LBSA)
Latino Student Psychological Association (LSPA)
Nu Alpha Kappa (NAK)
Phi Lambda Rho
Sigma Lambda Gamma
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
Participating Departments & Centers
Department of Chicano/Latino Studies
DREAM Center
Latinx Resource Center