Mentorship Opportunities
Navigate this page to explore various mentorship opportunities open to UCI Latinx students.

LRC Peer Mentorship Program

Apply Now!!
The UCI Latinx Resource Center is looking for undergraduate students that are passionate about mentorship and retention of underrepresented students in higher education and graduate school. Join this Peer Mentorship Program that will be launching in Spring quarter 2022. Primarily geared towards serving Latinx students, mentors and mentees will work together to develop a mutually beneficial relationship with mentors and mentees. Deadline to apply is February 4
Chican@/Latin@ Staff Association (CLSA)
The CLSA Mentoring Program seeks to further support undergraduate Chican@/Latin@ students at UCI. Students who are accepted will be matched with CLSA members who already formally and informally mentor students. CLSA mentors are UCI professionals from diverse backgrounds, diverse careers, and dedicated to helping students succeed. For more information click the picture on the right.